Looking for JavaScript IDE, try on the cloud!

In the last ten days two new development-as-a-service platforms are available on the Cloud. No more operating system to update and programs to install, just point to a web site and you can start programming and debugging JavaScript!

The idea is really interesting and appealing. I hope that in the future we can see also Visual Studio (C#) and Eclipse (Java, C++, PHP) in the Cloud.

If you want to try some of them go to:

and let me know your comments!

Have fun!

3 thoughts on “Looking for JavaScript IDE, try on the cloud!

  1. We also released the eXo Cloud IDE in private beta at the beginning of last week. Check it out at cloud-ide.com and let us know what you think. Our objective is slightly different as we want to focus more on server side development with Java/Groovy support and an object persistence layer (JCR) bundled with the IDE.

  2. Have you tried Koding (https://koding.com)? It has a tone of features like

    – Free virtual machine (VM) with Ubuntu, root access, apt-get, and many commonly used tools
    – Built-in Terminal with 256-color support
    – All languages, databases, and command-line tools are supported
    – Various file upload options such as Drag & Drop, Dropbox, Clone from Github, FTP and the ability to access them using SSH

    Defenetly worth checking out.

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