MakeItApp – The first social network for app publishing

After month of hard work makeitapp is now online!

MakeItApp is a social publishing network, where people and expertises joint teams to create apps.
After signing in, you say what your expertise is, what you would like to do and then you can start or join a team. MakeItApp is providing relationship tools, team and project management, sales and marketing.


Why MakeItApp?
Idea is good and will be successful.
In MIA you don’t need investments for developing or marketing.
Interested people in MIA community will achieve it with you. You will share revenues with them and MIA: it’s up to you.
You can give money to a software house and get your app, then you invest to market and promote it or… you can sign in MIA, propose your idea, share it with sector specialist, attract talents develop the app together, without spending money and risks.
MIA model is innovative: nobody has to put money to create and to launch the app.
If you are fully convinced, and you want to spend money you can go to a software house: there are many and some of them are very capable.
Furthermore you can find some of their resources in MIA: you can thrill them to start working together in your team

More details at

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